Clean water production made easy
Purchasing and operating MWTP units is easy with our
3 step production process:
Step 1:
Fill in the form on this page.
Step 2:
It’s recommended to always do a water analysis of the water source, to determine right pre-filtering combination. For some applications standard solutions can be used and therefore no analysis is needed. When the pre-filter combination is determined you will get a price proposal for your system.
Step 3:
Contract, delivery and installation specifications. We perform a system quality check on every system before shipping.
Water analysis needs to be in accordance with SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025
What will be analysed?
E. coli Coliform bacteria Nitrite Nitrate Chloride Ammonium Iron Manganese KMnO4 (Humus) Carbonate hardness Radon Arsenic Uranium Fluoride pH Electrical resistivity and conductivity Turbidity Colour Scent